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Workplace Safety
If you operate a business, then safety should be one of the top things on your mind. Employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace for their employees. The importance of safety in the workplace cannot be understated. And workplace safety culture begins with a well-trained and equipped workforce.
Employees trained by RTI make the workplace safer for everyone. And we offer a variety of training options to fit your needs:

AED Program Management Solution
A sole source, turn-key, four component solution for new or existing AED programs. Whether you manage only one AED in your office, or one thousand AEDs around the globe, RescueManagerTM can help you with your program Startup, Equipment, Data Management, and Maintenance.
- Cloud Based
- Multi-User
- Tiered levels of access for security
- Program Coordinator and Site Coordinator
- Available 24/7/365
- Accessible from any computer

First Aid Supply
A well stocked, inventoried and maintained First Aid cabinet is essential. We can provide personal, portable, and fixed site solutions for all of your needs. All of our solutions meet and exceed the ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2015 standards.
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